(mk) Мотика: „За почиста Македонија“ го вратија сјајот на Скопско Кале
Црнобело: Петар Стевановиќ, еко-активист: „Од Козјак собравме 150 ќеси ѓубре од несовесни граѓани, мора да се сменат навиките на Македонците“
Our third eco action together with the volunteers from @vcs.skopje was successful. 30 bags (120 l) full of various types of garbage were collected, from diapers to jars of ajvar, plastic…
VOICES: Еко-свеста ќе се разбуди со едукација и со казни
No more garbage! As you already know, last weekend in joint forces with @ilovehikingmacedonia we cleaned the terrace of Kozjak from the garbage that was suffocating it. About 60 participants…
Although this canyon is less popular, the few visitors that visited this canyon have left some waste behind. On the way back from the visit we collected a lot of…
This weekend we were on Ljuboten, a beautiful peak with a beautiful view that is worth visiting! Unfortunately, we witnessed an unfortunate event where a group of "mountaineers/hikers" after leaving…