TrashTour went around Macedonia for 6 days cleaning cities and forests, expanding our mission beyond Skopje!
Watch out next time you throw trash somewhere - we are everywhere now. You cannot hide anymore. To achieve our goal of a cleaner Macedonia, we decided to expand our clean-ups to a national level. After all, we cannot expect a big change by only acting in the capital. But what happened exactly?
TrashTour started on 1.7.2021, with an idea to go around the country and organize 6 cleaups in 6 cities.
We organized 4 cleanups in Skopje during the project.
Bridge Majka Teresa, Vardar
19 volunteers
25 bags of trash
Poligon, Kale
30 volunteers
50 bags of trash
Holiday Inn parking
26 volunteers
38 bags of trash
Dolna Matka
54 volunteers
115 bags of trash
TrashTour went on for 6 days and we went to 6 cities. What did we achieve?
bags of trash
Huge thanks to all who helped us in organizing the actions and supported us in various ways.
+ the above
+ filled souls
+ clean environment
Ah, Strumica. Cloudy lazy day, miraculously we had some free time so we decided to go to the park, lie on the grass and not move for an hour and a half. It seems that this was the general mood in the city that day because no one showed up for our action! Maybe justified because it was a holiday.
TrashTour - The movie!
During TrashTour we faced interesting challenges, learned many new things, gained valuable experiences, met many beautiful people and had a lot of fun friendships and adventures.
We tried to skip all this in one short film. We hope that this film will serve as a reminder that there are many people who are overwhelmed by the garbage, who don’t want to sit idly by and are ready to activate for the changes they want to see! We hope that this film will spark your desire for activity and motivate you to be an example for others! Because change will not come by itself, we must work for it.
Total impact during the project
+ car parts, furniture, electronics, construction waste...
VOICES magazine
TrashTour - Mission impossible! TrashTour project aims to motivate people, inspire them to change, and create a garbage-free society. In a country as trashy as Macedonia, this is something urgently needed. And these young people made history.... read more
TrashTour: The Movie! – документарен филм од „За Почиста Македонија“. Од 24 до 29 август тимот на еколошкото движење „За почиста Македонија“ тргна на турнеја во Кичево, Охрид, Прилеп, Кавадарци, Струмица и Штип организирајќи акции... read more
Филм за нашето ѓубре (ВИДЕО) Од 24 до 29 август тимот на еколошкото движење „За почиста Македонија“ тргна на турнеја во Кичево, Охрид, Прилеп, Кавадарци, Струмица и Штип организирајќи акции во секој град со поддршка од локалните жители. „За време а... read more